Monday, June 22, 2009

Work Day 1

We had a fun, busy and productive first day.

After leaving the dorms this morning around 7:30 (a few minor crises got the Team effort leaders 30 minutes behind), we took a meandering route on the buses and found the church where they serve us breakfast. The adults were thrilled to see the coffee and the students were thrilled to see the Frosted Flakes and Fruit Loops. The church ladies had cooked up a great breakfast with scrambled eggs, tater tots, beans, biscuits and home-made salsa.

Aftr a leisurely breakfast (they had 200 or so of us to feed), we loaded the buses and headed to the Good Samaritan Migrant Mission.

Our VBS team stayed behind at the church and helped the church conduct a VBS this morning. They then went to a migrant housng community and put on a second VBS. Since there were more helpers at the first VBS than needed, some of our team went to a nearby mission and helped move items in a resale shop.

All six of our work teams have projects at the same Good Samaritan center (help migrants with food, clothing, skills training and advocacy). Some cleaned mildewed buildings (similar humidity as Houston) with bleach water in preparation for painting. Others started construction projects to build a wheelchair ramp, rebuild a shelter and rebuild a shed with rot damage.

I'm writing this as we're gathering to go to the beach, so I'll finish today's report later.

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