Yesterday evening's free time was filled with some exploring by some, showers by others and Ultimate Frisbee by others.
We then gathered at the Pavilion and shared a dinner of pizza with cupcakes to celebrate Jill's birthday. After dinner, Ryan led us in an activity to help us get to know everyone a little bit.
Later we joined all of the other groups in an energetic worship service where we algso got to know the Team Effort leaders. The service was at 9 (instead of the normal 8) since one group was late coming in, so we didn't head back to our rooms until 10:30.
The late night coupled with the full day and last night's bus sleep resulted in sound sleeping for all except for a few. Shelby has a little stomach trouble that started last night and awakened her and a couple of leaders around 4 am. Doyle is staying at the dorms with Shelby today to help her recover.
How is Shelby doing? Give her a hug.